Coupling Worldwide Online Internships with Certification Preparation Courses.

Should we couple internships with project-based online learning?

“There’s a lot of evidence that project-based learning has a better impact on student learning and readiness for life after high school.”

In short, “a program of education that eschews traditional teach-and-test methods in favor of immersive lessons that challenge students with problems or scenarios that promote self-directed investigation, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork.”

(The Science of Learning: Our Amazing Brains: Putting Knowledge to Use: Learning at Every Age, 2020)



Coursewell provides worldwide online internships coupled with career certification preparation—better, faster. ©®™

Coursewell faculty simulate real work-environments, where you learn and gain worldwide job-experience (rotating internships) via real-life Business (BIZ), Information Technology (IT), Project Management (PM), and Health Administration Systems (HAS) lessons and work-tasks (i.e., real scenarios, work-tasks & projects provided by business & industry.) ©®™ All Rights Reserved by Adaptiva Corp

“There’s a lot evidence that project-based learning has a better impact on student learning and readiness for life after high school.”

In short, “a program of education that eschews traditional teach-and-test methods in favor of immersive lessons that challenge students with problems or scenarios that promote self-directed investigation, critical thinking, creativity and teamwork.”

(The Science of Learning: Our Amazing Brains: Putting Knowledge to Use: Learning at Every Age, 2020)

Coursewell is where work-interns and certification seekers can develop a faster, happier (perhaps), better online career by getting prepared for information-age and emerging jobs!

Coursewell offers online career internships & certification preparation in high-demand business, construction, cyber-security, engineering, health administration, and information technology (IT) areas-—as a smart, stackable, fluid, multi-channel experience. Rather than just videos & assessments, participants’ knowledge & skills are reinforced via university faculty interaction in real-time.

From business, construction, project management, and health administration to cyber-security, engineering, and information technology: Everyone can learn & mingle in real-time.

Participants are unhindered by time, place, credits, grades, or admission constraints! That is, participants, don't have to be necessarily registered at a university or college to participate in these online programs. But our instructors are certified, experienced university faculty.

Coursewell’s goals are to (1) enrich participants’ careers & knowledge; and (2) improve the chances of being hired in challenging times. Coursewell seeks to accomplish its goals by providing (a) real-life experiential mentoring using real-time video chats (i.e., Zoom); and (b) comprehensive (deep mastery) online certification training via Learning Management Systems (i.e., Canvas LMS).

At Coursewell, virtual mingling forums are free. To participate, write to

Below are Coursewell’s benefits & value proposition for:


: Invest in Human Capital.

: Freely, interact with your potential future employees and faculty-experts during on-the-job training.

: Bridge employees’ soft- and cyber-skill gaps while on the job training.

: Leverage AI and IT to enhance your Company operations & revenue streams.

: Enhance efficiencies & revenues by training your staff for times of disruption and beyond.


: Socialize, interplay, discuss, and mingle with your peers and faculty!

: Learn from university faculty and peers in real-time (it’s more than forums, videos & tests.)

: Improve your technical, social & communication skills to increase the chances of being recruited and hired.


: Help us grow by offering your best online courses via Zoom and Canvas LMS.

: Have enjoyed, interplay, discuss, and socialize with your students using “social presence” techniques.

: Earn one-third (1/3) to one-half (1/2) of the revenues generated by your real-life courses—depending on the sponsoring university.


*F2F: Face to Face, Online Real-time Teaching and Learning

**F2S, P2P: Faculty to Student, Peer to Peer: Real-Time Interaction with Faculty & Peers—similar to a real-campus without the travel.

“Start from ground zero with real-time, online F2F classes, supported by real-life university faculty supported by a library of thousands of self-paced, individualized, online competency-based courses—including real-time discussions, virtual community forums, short videos, interplay activities, 3-D gamified environments, video chats, and laboratory simulations. Coursewell partners with employers to provide engaging and supportive learning while you work.” W. Rodriguez, Ph.D., PE

During the last four decades, Coursewell’s Founder, Prof. Dr. Walter Rodriguez, PE, has been delivering and teaching “how to use and leverage IT” to improve job-seekers careers—from AI and IT to Project Management and Health Administration at no-cost or low-cost—thanks to his sponsored grants and research projects. Dr. Rodriguez has focused on helping job-seekers meet their career and professional goals—particularly women, minorities, veterans, and financially-distressed individuals. And he has been linking students and participants to their peers, university faculty, and business executives by creating a virtual community of emeritus faculty and retirees as well as working professionals in the field. The latest initiative consists in creating on-the-job training opportunities by matching employers with job-seekers.

Unsurprisingly, more people are finding themselves unprepared for study and work in the business, engineering, information technology and healthcare administration fields, because of shortcomings in communication and technical competencies. Further, job-seekers may also lack the required analytical, computing, systems-thinking, problem-solving, software development, and computer-applications skills.

Coursewell is the result of Dr. Walter Rodriguez’s sponsored projects and initiatives with government and private organizations. For instance, his last project delivered online health administration, and IT courses to thousands of military spouses under the sponsorship of the DoD. His just-in-time video-training content, real-time discussion-forums and 3-D gamified environments help students and organizations reach their career goals while enjoying the learning experience.

“By integrating best practices from the science of teamwork with the latest in mobile learning technologies, Coursewell will revolutionize distributed teamwork and team learning - occurring when workers and learners are geographically dispersed and often interacting at different times.”

Coursewell seeks to: (1) improve students' retention and persistence (via AI mobile applications, distributed teamwork, and summer/online/mobile preparatory programs); and (2) lower the cost of AI, business, healthcare administration, information technology (IT) and project management (PM) education, training and job-readiness (via online, open source textbooks and very low-cost, adaptive, personalized, self-paced video instructional materials) by:

(I.) partnering with companies and institutions; (II.) leveraging technological innovations and advancements in AI mobile learning technologies; and (III.) gaining from the digital economies of scale derived from AI, automation, block chain, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, and machine-learning technologies.

Coursewell: Advancing AI Mobile Learning



Participants will enhance their AI-strategy, computing, systems-thinking, problem-solving, communication, business, finance, marketing, project-management, information-technology, and software-applications' career & job skills; unhindered by time and place constraints! The online career training modules are adaptive, mobile, self-paced and personalized to satisfy your participants' cybersecurity,  software programming, project management, information technology, health administration systems, business administration, and many other digital-age pre-college, college and career needs, based on their personality, competencies, abilities and the job opportunities they wish to pursue. 

“It was challenging but gratifying! Now, I understand how AI, business & computers can enhance my business and my life. It’s was fun to learn this way! I feel ready for the next phase in my work life.” Dana S.


The process starts with an application and online consultation with one of our faculty advisers to determine your participants' career goals, needs and wants. Then, we create an in-demand career program that responds to their unique abilities & training needs.

Using our Coursewell's adaptive, on-demand, mobile-learning video app, we have trained, assessed, and certified a new breed of information technology and project management specialists who are proactive, knowledgeable, and technically proficient.

Industry values and require PM, IT, business software apps, software developers, healthcare administration, and other career certifications. Our assessments, learning modules, and instructors will help you and/or your staff assess, validate, and earn national IT, business, healthcare admin, and other career certifications from anywhere, anytime! Your participants will be prepared for an information-age IT, business, and other career specializations in 10 to 16 weeks. Contact us today at or complete the form below.


What is Information Management?


What is Reinforced Certification Training?: Definition