> Innovate: Develop Your Competitive Differentiator >

Innovate to transform your industry and develop a competitive differentiator! We must innovate in every field of life--from the arts, agriculture, business, education, finance, construction & manufacturing to design, healthcare, information, science, technology, engineering, software, and telecommunications.
If you think business is about uncovering your customers' "pain" and finding ways to alleviate it. Innovation is about the breakthroughs that can radically change your industry paradigm.

Innovation is crucial to the success of any organization. Companies like 3M, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Comcast, Microsoft, Pfizer, Meta, Mitsubishi, Moderna, Netflix, Salesforce, Tesla, Zoom, and many others have been innovating and transforming continuously.

What is innovation? Innovation is the act of developing new ideas, methods, products, processes, services, and systems. Further, Innovation involves discovery, invention, design, and well-executed breakthroughs that add value to stakeholders.
For the last two years, I have been developing a course and a new book: "Innovate: Develop Your Competitive Differentiator." So I have interviewed innovators, read every book, and refereed journal articles on the subject. And I have developed an "innovation process" akin to the one I described in my McGraw-Hill book titled "The Modeling of Design Ideas" (sorry--out of print, so please consider the new book and course--an updated approach.) The current innovation course engages corporate teams in a pedagogy described at Coursewell--a website owned by Adaptiva Corp. But, soon, the innovation course will be available to individuals, firms, and organizations seeking to thrive in challenging times, and hopefully, in a university or college near you. #innovation
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