> Integrating AI and Peer Learning

By Walter Rodriguez, PhD, PE

How can we integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and peer learning (PL) to increase students’ engagement and retention?

It's no secret that AI is reshaping industries, and education is no exception. And below are a few learning strategies I have been exploring in my courses:

Make Students Instructors Too: In this peer learning approach, students & teachers take the dual role of learners and facilitators in the learning process. Instead of solely receiving information from the teacher, students are empowered to teach their peers, lead discussions, and share their knowledge and expertise.

AI coupled with peer learning can empower us to create relevant work-learn experiences based on learners’ interests. Both educators and students can use AI as a virtual mentor or teaching assistant to build more meaningful assignments for everyone, as we are pursuing in our ADAPT Learning Network.

This approach is grounded in the principles of peer learning and collaborative learning, where students learn not only from their teachers but also from each other. By actively engaging in the process of teaching, students deepen their understanding of the material, reinforce their own learning, and develop valuable communication and leadership skills.

Making students instructors too can take various forms, such as peer tutoring, group presentations, leading discussions, or designing and delivering mini-lessons. In these roles, students not only share their knowledge but also learn to articulate concepts, clarify ideas, and provide constructive feedback to their peers.

Overall, the "make students instructors too" approach promotes active learning, student-centered instruction, and the development of lifelong learning skills essential for success in academic and professional settings.

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and peer learning (PL) can significantly enhance student engagement by combining personalized learning experiences with collaborative learning opportunities. Below are a few ways we can integrate AI and PL effectively to increase student engagement:

Personalized Learning Paths with AI Recommendations: Utilize AI algorithms to analyze students' learning preferences, performance data, and interests to create personalized learning paths. AI can recommend specific learning resources, activities, and assessments tailored to individual students' needs, promoting autonomy and motivation. Additionally, AI can adapt the learning path in real-time based on students' progress and feedback, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

> Peer Tutoring and Mentoring Programs: Implement peer tutoring and mentoring programs facilitated by AI platforms. AI can match students with peer tutors or mentors based on their learning goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. Peer tutors can provide academic support, guidance, and encouragement to their peers, fostering a learning community and collaboration. AI can monitor and track tutoring sessions, providing insights to educators for ongoing support and intervention.

AI-Powered Group Collaboration Tools: Integrate AI-powered collaboration tools into group projects and activities to enhance communication, coordination, and productivity. AI chatbots and virtual assistants can facilitate group discussions, schedule meetings, and assign tasks. These tools can also analyze group dynamics and provide recommendations to improve teamwork and collaboration. By leveraging AI, teachers, and students can work together more effectively, leading to deeper engagement and learning outcomes.


> AI-Enhanced Peer Feedback and Assessment: Incorporate AI tools for peer feedback and assessment to provide timely, actionable insights to students. AI can analyze peer-reviewed work, identify strengths and weaknesses, and offer suggestions for improvement. Peer feedback can be augmented with AI-driven scoring rubrics and criteria to ensure consistency and fairness. By receiving constructive feedback from peers and AI, students are motivated to revise and refine their work, leading to deeper engagement and mastery of course content.

AI-Driven Learning Analytics and Insights: Utilize AI-powered learning analytics platforms to gather data on student engagement, participation, and performance. AI algorithms can analyze this data to identify patterns, trends, and areas of concern. Educators can use these insights to personalize interventions, provide targeted support, and optimize course design. Additionally, AI-driven dashboards and visualizations can empower students to track their progress, set goals, and reflect on their learning journey, increasing their sense of ownership and investment in the course.

I ask my students to develop a business plan for a new logistics venture, using AI, and then make virtual presentations to several, Generative Pre-trained Transformer models, like ChatGPT. In this way, they get feedback from various platforms as well as their instructor and peers. This approach highlights the transformative power of AI and peer learning, pushing individuals to reconsider their roles in an increasingly automated world.

Institutions like American University's Kogod School of Business are fully embracing AI across their curriculum, recognizing its importance across various disciplines. With AI instruction woven into numerous classes, students can be equipped with the skills needed to navigate an AI-driven landscape in their future careers.

AI literacy is now foundational, akin to essential skills like writing or reasoning. This sentiment is echoed by business schools worldwide, where fluency in AI is seen as critical for success in the corporate world.

Of course, with the integration of AI comes valid concerns about job displacement and academic integrity. However, many educators, including Zsolt Katona of Berkeley Haas School of Business, see AI as a powerful educational tool that can revolutionize learning efficiency rather than a threat.

I've researched professors incorporating generative AI, such as ChatGPT, into coursework to foster innovation and critical thinking. For example, students at Columbia Business School use AI to brainstorm business ideas from unique perspectives, showcasing the versatility of AI in problem-solving.

Moreover, AI enables students to tackle complex tasks more efficiently. Robert Bray's class at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management, ChatGPT is leveraged to teach coding, bridging the gap between business and engineering students.

Despite AI's potential, we must emphasize human judgment in directing AI tools effectively. As Sheena Iyengar of Columbia Business School highlighted, while AI can expedite idea generation, human oversight remains essential in decision-making processes.

Looking ahead, schools are exploring AI's role in personalized learning and career development. Tools like Flexa at Polimi Graduate School of Management offer tailored learning experiences, catering to individual needs and preferences.

As AI continues to permeate every aspect of business education, its ethical implications and societal impacts warrant careful consideration. However, with responsible integration and thoughtful guidance, AI has the potential to enhance learning outcomes and prepare students for the challenges of tomorrow's business landscape.


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